Before and after

@jessicamagrath_ Let it burn ?? #fyp #foryou #healing #nz #letitburn #burn #watchitburn #fire ? original sound – shaunelliott

@eyecandyhair @jessicamagrath_ is bald and lovely. #newlook #newlookhair #bald #baldgirl #baldgirls #girlheadshave #headshavegirl #selfheadshave ? original sound –

@jessicamagrath_ ???? #buzzcutgirl #buzzcut #shavedhead #headshave #headshavewomen #fyp #foryou #shaveitoff #shave #buzz #buzzed #bpd #bpdawareness #doja ? original sound – ShellRowe

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@acaciawilde1 #fyp ? Succession Main Theme – L'Orchestra Nazionale di Mendoni


? delulu – NESYA

@acaciawilde1 Did it again #fyp #buzzcut #buzzcutseason ? original sound – UR NEW DAD

@acaciawilde1 Replying to @Ju ? last christmas – ?r7ptor

@acaciawilde1 #buzzcut #baldgirl #shavedhead #fyp ? Vampiro – French Police

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@eyecandyhair #bald #baldgirl #newlook #newlookhair ? original sound –

Here’s why…

Firstly I had always wanted to experience having a shaved head.
It would be fun and new and weird haha.

But more importantly I wanted to challenge myself to stop caring about my hair and my appearance so much.
To stop putting so much value on my hair and appearance.
I have value no matter what I look like and jo matter how much hair I have.

As a woman there seems to be a lot of importance put on us to have “good” hair. It hugely impacts our view of our beauty and femininity, and I think how we view ourselves.
It’s part of our identity.
Which I definitely understand and have experienced it my whole life as a girl.

But I think sometimes it’s good to challenge your thinking.

The only thing really stopping me from doing it (for years) was the fear of what others would think of me, and if I’d look ugly. Haha

I don’t do scary things often but I’m trying to work on that.

I just want to encourage you, if you are like me.

Don’t let fear be the thing that stops you from doing what you want to.

If the only reason you won’t try something is because you are afraid (practicalities and safety aside) then maybe it’s time to do it?

I don’t want to live a life or make decisions governed by fear.

Fear is real and important, but if it’s fear of others opinions, fear of embarrassment, fear of failing or letting yours down, it’s not helping you or keeping you safe.
It’s holding you back.

I really really struggle with this and am quite a fearful and anxious person.
But I’m consciously making an effort to not let fear be the deciding factor in my decision making.

Hopefully this encourages you if you are a scaredy cat too😅

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